Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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About 12 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Grassroots balloting has also had a perceptible effect on villagers’ attitudes. Kevin has argued that elections are not only
efforts to draw rural people into the local polity, but they are also an avenue through
which citizenship practices may emerge before full citizenship is recognized.
Li has shown that free and fair elections enhance feelings of political
efficacy and can help implant the idea that political power derives from the consent of
the people. And in a recent study of a long-time ‘demonstration’ area,
Schubert suggest that elections can boost regime
legitimacy, owing to a ‘rational trust’ that villagers come to have in their leaders, in
which elections assure voters that this trust will be honored.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Though many observers speak of democracy when they examine self-governance in
China, few of them have stopped to define the term. Because they seek to avoid courting controversy, as democracy is at root an ‘essentially contested concept’. Still, some efforts have been made by political theorists to standardize usage.many have taken Dahl’s definition of polyarchy as the first, most straightforward characterization of democracy. Following Dahl, they adopt a ‘procedural minimum’ understanding of democracy, which ‘presumes fully contested elections with full suffrage and the absence of massive fraud, combined with effective guarantees of civil liberties, including freedom of speech, assembly, and association’.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

This first ever monograph on highly influential Japanese designer Shiro Kuramata (1934-91) is a two-volume title presenting all of his compelling and idiosyncratic work for a diverse audience of designers and design enthusiasts who love Kuramata but will be surprised to discover the breadth and depth of his remarkable body of work.
"It’s a good book. Very good, actually. Very good war comics, requiring no prior experience with anime or mecha or Gundam – just a well-made, old-fashioned war comic, full of thrills and spills and lucky breaks and narrow escapes and preening villains you’ll love to hate and pigheaded heroes you may hate to love, and expert drawings by a master craftsman, and hard, sturdy violence


大きな影響力を持つ日本人デザイナー倉俣 史朗(1934-91)の初のモノグラフである本書(2巻)は、人の心をグッと掴んで離さない倉俣のユニークな全作品を紹介している。デザイナーやデザイン愛好家からなる倉俣ファンは本書を手にして秀逸な作品群の幅の広さと底深さを発見して驚くに違いない。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text


"Bolano's savoir-faire is incredible ... The exploded narrative reveals a virtuosity that we rarely encounter, and one cannot help being bowled over by certain bravura passages--to single one out, the series of reports describing murdered young women, which is both magnificent and unbearable. We won't even mention the 'resolution' of this infernal 2666, a world of a novel in which the power of words triumphs over savagery." --Baptiste Liger, L'EXPRESS

"Splendid ... The jaw-dropping synthesis of a brief but incredibly fertile career." --Fabrice Gabriel, LES INROCKUPTIBLES



「ボラノの機転の良さは全く驚くべきだ・・・感情がほとばしる語り口は、出会い難い名人芸で、その巧妙な文章は最後の一小節まで読む者を圧倒せずにはおかない。殺された若い女性を描写した一連の記事はすばらしく耐えがたいほどだ。読者はこの地獄の2666の「解決」について語ることすらできまい。1つの小説の世界の中で言葉の力が残虐性に打ち勝っているのだ。」─L'EXPRESS誌 バプティスト・リジェ 

「素晴らしい・・・短いが驚くほど創造力豊かなキャリアの統合にはあいた口がふさがらないほどだ。」LES INROCKUPTIBLES誌 ファブリス・ガブリエル

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Fulvia, if anybody, knew the character of her husband: he neither would nor could go back upon his pledges of alliance to Octavianus. She must force him--by discrediting, if not by destroying, the rival Caesarian leader, and thus win for her absent and unsuspecting consort the sole power which he scarcely seemed to desire. Octavianus, while prosecuting the policy of the Caesarian party, was in danger of succumbing to just such an alliance of Caesarians and Republicans as he had stirred up against Antonius nearly three years earlier. In alarm he sent his confidential agent, Caecina, and L. Cocceius Nerva, on an urgent mission to Syria. Caecina returned without a definite message, but Nerva stayed with Antonius.


知っている者がいたとすれば、それはフルウィアで、彼女は夫の性格を知っていた。夫のアントニウスはオクタヴィアヌスとの同盟の約束を撤回をしようともしないし、出来もしなかっただろう。彼女はライバルでカエサル派のリーダーの息の根を止めることができないのなら信用を傷つけることによって夫を強いて、夫がほとんど望んでいないように思われた唯一の権力を ぼんやりして疑うことをしらない夫のために勝ち取らねばならなかった。オクタヴィアヌスはカエサル派の政策を遂行する一方で、それより前の3年近くの間、アントニウスに対し物議を醸してきたため、まさにそのようなカエサル派と共和主義者らの同盟に敗れる危険があった。不安を感じたオクタヴィアヌスは密使カエキナとL.コッケイウス・ネルウァに緊急の使命を負わせてシリアに派遣した。カエキナは決定的なメッセージを持たずに戻ってきたが、ネルヴァはアントニウスの元に留まった。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Denied justice and liberty, Italy rose against Rome for the last time.It was not the fierce peoples of the Apennine as in the Italicum,but rather the more prosperous and civilized regions-Umbria, Etruria and the Sabine country, which had been loyal to Rome then,but had fought for the Marian cause against Sulla. Now a new Sulla shattered their strength and broke their spirit.

Before the veterans they laid the blame upon Octavianus, insisting that a final decision be reserved for Antonius--for the prestige of the victor of Philippi was overwhelming. On the other side,they championed liberty and the rights of the dispossessed--again not without reference to the popular name of M. Antonius and professions of pietas.




3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

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3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

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