●から出国準備中お品物は弊社米国拠点に到着し日本へ向けて空輸準備中でございます。 税関等に問題がなければ3日以内に弊社米国拠点から空輸するため お客様のもとへは6日から10日前後でお届けできる予定です。順調に進行しておりますので、現在の状況では予定通りお届け出来るかと思われます。しかし、税関では荷物の内容に関わらずランダムで二次検査を行いますので、その場合は通常よりお時間がかかってしまいますので、なにとぞご了承下さい。米国拠点からの発送が完了次第、改めてご連絡させて頂きます。
Preparing for departure from ● Goods just arrived at our US base and are preparing for air transport to Japan.If there is no problem with customs etc, we will air transport from our US base within 3 days and will deliver your order around 6 to 10 days.As the process is going smoothly in the current situation, It seems that the delivery will be made as planned.However, since customs will be carried out randomly regardless of the contents of luggage, in that case it might take longer than usual, so please be reminded.We will contact you again as soon as shipment from the US base is completed.
【Did you receive goods arrived safely?】Thank you very much for choosing us from a number of products this time!Did the product arrive safely?In any case you find there something wrong with the delivered item, we are sorry cause you trouble but please contact us via message.* Except Saturday, Sunday and public holidays, we will respond carefully within the principle of 24 hours.In addition, if you have not received goods, please contact each shipping company with an informed inquiry number from Amazon.
Thank you for giving me the catalog at the trade show in Germany.I called the Japanese agent Mr.Tanaka whom you told me, but it was only the answering machine which answered, so I couldn't reach him.I also sent an email to him, but I haven't gotten the reply yet. Probably he is not thinking to sell the product to me. As we spoke at the show, I'd like to purchase from your company. I'm attaching the file of my first order to this email, and I'd like to pay by card or Paypal. Please send me a reply with an estimate including the shipping cost.
Think about the functions and beauty of materials, and draw up the concept, enhance one's ability of planning and drawing.Deepen the understanding of illustrations.Understand new values and enhance the completion of the work with free thinking. Learn the techniques of tone separation and enhance realistic expression in monotone.Feel the quality of handmade three-dimensional puzzles and experience the joy of creation.Learn the techniques of cut-out painting and enhance the ability to express richly.Appreciate many art works and extend the ability to see them autonomously.Reflect on one year's learning, confirm learning progress and self-evaluate.
Study the characters of modern society and adolescence with one's engagement.Study the fundamentals of economics and politics and issues of international society.Study the way of political participation as an organizer and its significance.Basic principles of the Constitution of JapanPolitical organizations in JapanUnderstand the global environment, energy problems and characteristics of adolescenceRealization of a bountiful life.Study respect for individuals and the rule of lawStudy the Japanese economy after the economic bubble burst.Study the mechanisms of foreign exchange and international trade.Current situations and tasks of the international communityStudy solutions and problems of regional conflicts.
早速のご返信ありがとうございますこれよりカード決済手続き 及び発送手続きを進めさせていただきます発送が完了次第EMSの問い合わせ番号を別途メールにてご連絡しますので今しばらくお待ちくださいませお父様への贈り物とのこと、お父様のお身体にとって少しでも良い変化があれば幸いですお父様の症状が好転致しますよう私共もお祈り致しますどうぞよろしくお願い致します。
Thank you for your fast reply.We will proceed with credit card settlement as well as the shipping procedure.As soon as shipment is completed, we will let you know EMS tracking number via email, so please wait for a short while.As we hear it is a gift to your father,we hope it wil bring a good change in your father's health and his symptoms will get better and better.Thank you very much.
She doesn't have dance experience, but she loves dancing.Especially her body is flexible. She would like to try dancing besides playing the clarinet.
Thank you for your inquiry.I have acknowledged the matter of import duty refund. Please keep the product as it is.I have to apologize for having chosen the reason of "return from customer" since I could not find any appropriate one, but please do not worry about returning the product, it is not necessary.$○○ is $×× in Canadian dollars on a rate conversion website, so we refund that different amount.Thank you for your consideration.
月曜日のアフタースクールに陰嚢が痛くなり、Star Shipに行きました。痛みの原因を調べるため、陰嚢を切りひらいて検査をしました。幸い深刻な病気は見つかりませんでした。今日は学校をお休みします。痛みがなくなれば木曜日から学校に行きたいと思っています。手術後まだ完治していないので、今週のPEと水泳の授業はやらせないでください。
After school on Monday, my scrotum got hurt, so I went to Star Ship.To find out the cause of the pain, my scrotum was cut out to further examination.Fortunately, none of serious disease was found. I will be absent from school today, and hope to come back by Thursday if the pain calms down.Since the scar after the surgery has not been completely healed, please do not let me take PE and swimming classes.