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[Translation from English to Japanese ] [Infographic] 92% of people are likely to make an online purchase in 2013 In...

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[Infographic] 92% of people are likely to make an online purchase in 2013

In a recent study conducted by Visa in collaboration with TNS, 8,000 consumers in eight countries across Asia Pacific, Central Europe and Africa all mentioned that they are most likely to make online purchases in 2013.

Alongside this trend, online browsing is also seen as the most highlighted and essential points before making an online purchase. This is because consumers are increasingly looking to understand a product, explore and select varying product options before making their online purchase. “In today’s highly-connected world, online browsing has become an essential part of the overall shopping experience. Despite the varying levels of internet use and connectivity across the world, we’ve found that online browsing is a common activity among Singapore consumers – be it for online or offline purchases. With this trend sustaining momentum in the next year, there is an opportunity for merchants to enhance the online shopping experience for customers to drive both online and offline purchases.” said Ms. Ooi Huey Tyng, Visa Country Manager, Singapore and Brunei. This shift toward online shopping can be credited to the availability of new and varied internet access devices such as mobile and tablet devices. Interesting statistics show that browsing on mobile phones exceeded 40% in Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore. Hong Kong in particular saw 13% of online purchases on mobile phones and 11% on tablets.

With Google’s efforts to also increase Internet accessibility for the emerging markets through products such as Free Zone and Google Trader, it is almost certain that this consumer behaviour of purchasing online will be growing globally, and not just in developed and mature markets. The study also revealed that 70% of consumers believed that an improved consumer perception of online security has also been a key factor in driving the increase in online shopping activity. More secure online transactions included online payment security features such as Verified by Visa and security around personal and financial information upheld by financial institutions and online merchants.

For more information about online buying trends, take a look at the infographic below.
Translated by zhizi
[インフォグラフィック] 2013年には92%の人がオンラインショッピングをする傾向に。


「今のようにネット普及率が高い世の中では、ショッピング全般においてネットの閲覧は必要不可欠になっています。世界におけるネットの利用度と接続レベルは地域によって異なりますが、シンガポールの消費者にとってネットの閲覧は一般的なことになっています。それは、オンラインショッピングであろうと、オフラインの買い物であろうと同じです。この傾向の勢いが来年も持続するなら、顧客のオンライン/オフライン両方のショッピングを促進するために、販売業者がオンラインショッピング事業を拡大するチャンスとなります。」と、Visaシンガポール・ブルネイ地区マネージャーのOoi Huey Tyng氏は述べている。

Googleが新興市場でFree ZoneやGoogle Traderなどのプロダクトを通じて、インターネットへのアクセスレベルを向上する取組みをしていることもあり、オンラインショッピングという消費者行動が、先進・成熟市場だけでなく、世界的に伸びていくことはほぼ確実だ。
また、消費者の70%が、オンラインの安全性に関する消費者の認識が向上したこともオンラインショッピング増加の重要な要素であると考えていることが調査から分かった。安全性のより高いオンライン取引には、「Verified by Visa」などのオンライン決済保護機能や、金融機関やオンライン販売業者が保持している個人情報や銀行口座情報の保護機能などが含まれている。


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zhizi zhizi