Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Biyougenpi-Tea is tasty healthy diet tea that brend 10 kinds of Wakan grass. ...

Original Texts
美容減肥茶は、10種類の和漢草をブレンドした、おいしくて飲みやすいダイエット健康茶です。各種特有のアントラキノン類、サポニン類、フラボノイド類、ミネラル類が含まれます。特長…香ばしさと、うま味を逃さないアルミ包装です。人工甘味料・防腐剤・着色料等一切使っておりませんので、安心してお飲み頂けます。こんな方におすすめします。ダイエットしたい方、されている方。脂こいもの、甘いものが好きな方。ついカロリーを取り過ぎてしまう方。太りやすい体質の方。 お召し上がり方。急須の場合…急須に1袋を入れ熱湯を注ぎ、3~4分おいてからお飲み下さい。色、味が出る間、数回お飲み頂けます。煮出す場合…約1リットルの沸騰したお湯に1袋を入れ、3~4分煮出してお飲みください。お湯の多い場合は、袋数を増やしてください。冷やして飲む場合…煮出した後よく冷ましてから、冷蔵庫で冷やしてお飲みください。原材料名…ハトムギ、緑茶、ハブ茶、ウーロン茶、プーアル茶、ドクダミ、オオバコ、ウコン、ギムネマシルベスタ、霊芝
Translated by monagypsy
Biyougenpi-Tea is tasty healthy diet tea that brend 10 kinds of Wakan grass. Each grass contains perculiarly its own Anthraquinones, Saponin, Flavonoid, and Mineral. Quality...aluminium packaging to keep flavor. Artificial sugar substitute, preservative, and food coloring are not contained in this tea, so it is safe to drink. I recommend it to person who want to be on diet, and being dieting. Person who like greasy food, and sweets. person who consume too much calories. Person who easily get fat.
How to drink. Teapot...Use 1pac in teapot. Add fresh boiling water and leave the tea to infuse for 3~4 minutes and drink. You can use same pac several times until color and flavor fade away. Boil to bring out flavor...Use 1pac for 1little boiling water. Boiling 3~4 minutes and drink. If you use more water, use more pac. Iced tea...After boil to bring out flavor, put it in the refrigerator and drink. Ingredients...Coix lacryma-jobi, Green tea, Hub tea, Oolong tea, Pu-ert tea, Houttuynia cordata, Plantago asiatica, Turmeric, Gymnema sylvestre, and Ganoderma lucidum.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 12 hours
monagypsy monagypsy