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[Translation from English to Japanese ] Now With Over 1 Billion Netizens, This is How Asia is Social and Mobile in 20...

Original Texts
Now With Over 1 Billion Netizens, This is How Asia is Social and Mobile in 2012 [INFOGRAPHIC]

Let’s step back and take a look at the big picture of the web in Asia in 2012. We see internet penetration in the region has jumped from 24 percent last year, to 27 percent now. And with that comes a leap to just over a billion Asian netizens this year – 1.034 billion, to be precise. Mobile penetration in Asia has risen from 74 to 82 percent, and for many people it’s the primary mode of accessing the internet. All those stats are compiled by the folks at the Singapore branch of the WeAreSocial digital agency, who have just released their 2012 infographic report – see it here, or embedded below – that updates the series that we enjoyed so much last year.

Before you browse the whole set of infographic slides at the bottom of this post, here are a few key points on social media in Asia: Yes, Facebook is still the region-wide king – not counting the massive weight of Chinese socal networks which tend to be used only in China. But Facebook’s throne is far from safe, we reckon, with more group messaging apps – like Whatsapp, KakaoTalk, Line, WeChat – ready to take away much of the activity that Facebook is used for. After all, the Facebook and Facebook Messenger apps are not as good as many of its rivals in terms of facilitating simple and fun chatting with friends. OK, here’s the full slideshow:

For more fun graphics like this one, check out previous entries in our infographic series.
Translated by zhizi
アジアのネット人口は今や10億人以上 — 2012年のアジアにおけるソーシャル度、モバイル度はいかに。[インフォグラフィック]


中国だけで利用されているような中国の大手ソーシャルネットワークを除けば、そう、Facebookは今も同地域全体で君臨している。だが、Facebookの王座も安全とは言えないだろう。Whatsapp、KakaoTalk、Line、WeChatなどのグループメッセージアプリが増え、それらのアプリには、Facebookを利用して行われているアクティビティーのほとんどを奪える準備ができているからだ。つまるところ、FacebookとFacebook Messengerアプリは、友人とのシンプルで楽しいチャットを促進するには、他の多くのライバルアプリほどよくないのだ。それでは、全スライドをどうぞ。


Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 4 hours
zhizi zhizi