Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] Predictably,though,the women were more concerned about the aging process at 6...

Original Texts
Predictably,though,the women were more concerned about the aging process at 62 compared to at 52, t(61)= 3.74, P< .001. (As a side note, these means for the age 62 feelings were almost identical to the means reported by Miner-Rubino, for college-educated women in their 60s.) The pattern of correlations with generativity was as predicted. Generativity was correlated positively with identity certainty, confident power, and generative concerns. Generativity was negatively correlated with aging concerns. Correlates held up at ages 52 and 62. Authoritarianism was correlated negatively with confident power at ages 52 and 62. It was also correlated negatively with generative concerns, but significantly only at age 62.
Translated by 3_yumie7
しかし予想通り、女性達は52歳の時と比較して62歳の時には年をとるプロセスに一層関心を持っておりt(61)= 3.74, P< .001だった。(注:この62歳時の気持ちの平均値はMiner-Rubinoが大卒の女性について60年代に 検査した報告の平均値とほぼ同じである。)次世代育成能力との相関パターンは予想通りだった。次世代育成能力はアイデンティティーの確信、確信力、次世代育成への興味に積極的に相関していた。次世代育成能力は年を取ることへの関心に消極的に相関していた。52歳の時と62歳の時の相関性が示されている。権威主義は52歳と62歳の時の確信力に消極的に相関していた。権威主義は次世代育成への関心にも消極的に相関していたが、62歳の時のみそれが顕著だった。  

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 10 hours
3_yumie7 3_yumie7