Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] I decided to develop a brand new series of color books, and it is called "Hap...

Original Texts
I decided to develop a brand new series of color books, and it is called "Happy Together". This new title , besides its original meaning, also is a pun that can be written as " Happy To Get Her". I like this new title a lot.

This is the 1st project of the "Happy Together" series, and the story plot is based on the 8th episode of X, which is talking about the sequel stories happening about the " toothbrush play" between Y and his sister.

There is no Afterwords in this book, so I shall spare some spaces to talk about my future publication plans here. There's a lot of new book plans, such as 1, 2 , 3 etc... Hope doomsday won't happen at the end of this year, and we could meet very soon in "Happy Together 02" !
Translated by gloria
全く新しいカラーブックシリーズを開発することに決めました。その名前は「Happy Together」です。この新しいタイトルは、そのオリジナルの意味の他に、「Happy To Get Her」という駄洒落でもあります。私はこの新しいタイトルをとても気に入っています。

これはHappy Togetherシリーズの最初のプロジェクトで、ストーリー構成はYと彼の姉(妹)との間の「歯ブラシプレイ」について起きる連続ストーリーに関して語っているXの第8エピソードに基づいています。

この本には「その後」はありませんので、私の今後の出版計画について少しお話しておきたいと思います。新しい本の計画は1、2、3などたくさんあります。今年の末にこの世の終わりが来ないこと、そしてまた近いうちに「Happy Together 2」でお会いできることを祈ります!

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 2 hours
gloria gloria