Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] I , WYP, though tired, went to IIT(Indian Institute of Technology), a famou...

Original Texts
疲れた体をたたき、WYPは世界的に有名なインド工科大学を訪れた。インド工科大学は、インドに行くことが決まった当初から行ってみたい場所として挙っていた場所である。何せそこは、発展途上国のインドにありながら世界最難関の大学であり、世界的企業のトップを数多く輩出している大学なのだ。取材目的だからこそ行く気になれるその場所に、WYPが実際に行って、見て、聞いてみると、そこにあるのは日本と変わらない”普通”の大学であった...。 エリートのみが入れる敷地
IITボンベイ校には校門が2つある。どちらも4、5人の銃を持った警備員が従事していて、中に入るには、会う学生の寮の名前、ルームナンバー、会う時間・場所などを事細かに書類に書く必要がある。やっとの思いで中に入ると、そこには緑豊かな広大な敷地が広がる。校内専用のバスやリクシャーが走るほどである。巨大な湖に沿って敷地があり、開放感がある。また校外とは違い、騒音もゴミも排気ガスもない。 校門の外では溢れるほどいた”人”も、どことなく余裕を持った学生が数人歩いているぐらいだ。私たちは校内のカフェで、ジシャーンの紹介で現役IIT生ビシューにインタビューを待った。

ビシューは時間ぴったりに現れた。初めてのIIT生に緊張する私たちをよそに、小柄で、端正な顔立ちをしたビシューは、見知らぬアジア人3人を前にしても常に落ち着いていた。 ビシューはコンピュータサイエンス学部に通う大学4年生だ。世界的に競争力を持つIITに惚れ入学を決意したビシューは、当初は電子工学を学ぶことを考えていた。しかし、IT業界が圧倒的に成長しているのを感じ、コンピュータサイエンス学部に行くことを決めたという。

IIT生の一般的な卒業後の進路を尋ねるとビシューはさらりと答えた。 こう言っては失礼かもしれないが、インド人からこれらの会社の名前を聞くのはやはり少し違和感があった。インドで最も良いブランドを持つIITは、学生が企業に選ばれるわけでもなく、どの会社も呼んでくれるという。
また、IITの強みはそのブランドだけではない。世界各国で活躍する卒業生との繋がりである。「卒業生との繋がりは非常に強いです。 私もテクノロジーフェスティバルでジシャーンに出会うことができました。」IITではコンペティションや展示会、ワークショップが定期的に開催され、そこで現役生と卒業生との繋がりを深めることができるという。
「私は金融コンサルタントの仕事に就きたいと思っています。コンピュータサイエンスは市場としてとても活性化していますが、私はこれ以上プログラミングが好きになるとは思えないのです。 金融コンサルタントならより自分が成長できると思ったのです。
「働いてみたい国?特にありません。」 マスコミが日本の若者に対してよく言うことといえば、「日本の若者は”内向き”であり、もっともっと海外を向いていかないといけない。」である。でなければ「中国やインドの若者はどんどん世界に出てきて、日本のプレゼンスがどんどん下がっていく」というのである。では、インドの若者は外向きなのか。ビシューに海外に対する考えを聞くと、意外な答えが返ってきた。
「私はまだ一度も海外に行ったことがないので、どの国が良いのか分からないのです。」 私たち日本人は、長期休暇にはなんのためらいもなく海外へ向かう。人によっては、高校生、大学生のときに海外で留学をする人も多い。しかし、インドでは大学に行けるほどのそれなりの財力を持つビシューですら、海外に行くことは困難なことなのである。言ってみれば当たり前のことであるが、この答えを聞くまではそのことに気づくことができなかった。
「兄は今アメリカに行っていますが、大学の奨学金があったからです。ほとんどの人は在学中に海外に行きません。」 IITの学生は”外向き”か
Translated by davis_teruo911
Beating their tired bodies, WYP visited the internationally renowned Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). Ever since the trip to India was confirmed, they had considered IITs as one of the places to visit in the country. After all, despite being located in India, a developing nation, IITs is among the most difficult colleges in the world to get into, and has turned out a great number of leaders of international enterprises. When WYP actually visited IITs, which they wanted to go to just for an article, it turned out to be a school just like any other that could be found in Japan...
Only the elite may enter these grounds.
IIT Bombay has two school gates. Both are protected by 4 or 5 armed guards, and when you pass through, you must write the specifics of the students you will meet, their dorm and room number, as well as when and where you plan on meeting. When you finally get inside, you find there a wide, lush green campus. There are even buses and rickshaws that run just within the campus grounds. The grounds are along an enormous lake, providing a sense of freedom. Furthermore, unlike the areas outside the campus, there is no trash or disturbing noises.
Even the number of people on the streets, which just outside the gates is overflowing, is so sparse that students can walk the campus freely. At an on-campus cafe, we interviewed a current IIT student named Bishu, to whom Jishan introduced us.

Current IIT student interview
"Nice to meet you. I've heard about you from Jishan."
Bishu arrived right on time. Ignoring our nervousness at first meeting an IIT student, the short and handsome Bishu kept calm and collected before these three Asian strangers.
Bishu is a fourth year student of Computer-Science. He decided to attend IIT after being charmed by its global competitive strength, and was at first considering electronic engineering. However, feeling that the IT industry was growing overwhelmingly, he decided on computer-science.

IIT is a school one can be proud of.
"After they graduate, the most preeminent people go on to McKinsey, Microsoft, and Google."
When we asked him what most students do after graduation, Bishu answered right away.
It might me a bit impolite to say so, but it felt strange to hear the names of these companies come out of the mouth of an Indian. Apparently, the students of IIT, which has the best name in India, are not picked out of groups of applicants--the company come to them.
"Students never approach the corporations by themselves. The school opens a company information session, and the corporations come to that."
Also, the strength of IIT lies not only in their name. They keep strong connections to their graduated students, who are active all over the world. "The college has very strong ties to its former students."
"I also had the chance to meet Jishan at the Technology Festival." IIT holds competitions, exhibitions, and workshops periodically, which probably plays a big role in strengthening the ties between current students and alumni.
We then asked Bishu what he himself plans on doing after graduation.
"I would like to work as a financial consultant. The business of computer science is really active right now, but I don't think I will ever grow to like programming more than I do now"
"I thought that by working as a financial consultant, I would be able to grow a bit more."
IIT is the world's top university in science and technology. However, it is not unusual for students to go into finance. "Computer-science teaches us how to use our brains, and how to use them in any situation." Therefore, he can use the skills he learned in any industry.
*IIT's policy is that students choose their programs in order according to their test scores.
However, even students who were able to overcome the barriers of IIT sometimes experience a recoil.
"'What country would I like to work in?' None in particular."
What you always hear in the media about the young people of Japan is that they are too inward focused, and they need to face more overseas. Either that or "most young people from China and India are spreading all over the world, and Japan's international presence is lowering more and more." In that case, does that mean young Indian people are "outward focused?" When we asked Bishu about his thoughts on foreign countries, we received an unexpected answer.
"Since I've never been overseas, I don't know which countries are the good."
In Japan, people go overseas during long-term vacations without even thinking about it. Many people even study abroad as students in high school and university. In India however, even Bishu, who can afford to go to college, would have a hard time going overseas. Thinking on it, it really is a matter-of-fact, but we did not realize this until we heard his answer to our question.
"My younger brother is now in America, but that is only because he got a scholarship to a university there. Most people don't go abroad while they are still students."
So are IIT students really "outward focused?"
Of course, that is not to say they are in actuality "inner focused." Just that rather than "outward focused," it might be better to say that they have less resistance to the outside.
"If I were to get a job overseas, I would have no problems with working in a foreign country."
India, which has 22 different languages, uses English as its primary language. IIT students have absolutely no resistance to the English language. Also, people who work at companies overseas on average have greater incomes and better living conditions than those who work at Indian companies.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 12 hours
davis_teruo911 davis_teruo911
Hello! I'm a professional translator working in Japan. I graduated Michigan S...