There are faster shipping methods, such as DHL, but that is more expensive. This can save 3 or 4 days only. That small time savings may not be worth the extra cost. There is nothing more that can be done to make an order arrive faster.
There is another method to consider. If you are only waiting to place order until you get orders on your website, then you might want to consider having us ship directly to your customers, or ”drop-ship” your orders. If you are only placing order with us as you get them, then this may be a good solution for you.
Freight is more expensive for you this way as you are not consolidating your items to ship in one box, but you just wrote that you will only have small orders as you get them anyway.
I don’t completely understand your question about price, but I believe you are simply asking about pricing for a level 2 account. If that is what you are asking, let me know and I will create a login for you so you can see the pricing.