Thanks for reply. As I told you before FUE/CIT is not a STRIP procedure. Dr.Cole does not perform strip procedures anymore. So, you WILL NOT HAVE linear scars in the back of your head. Anyway you look at it, there is now way to perform a hair transplant and have a totally pristine donor area. You can conceal the evidence with FUE in almost all patients. CIT offers you the highest probability of an acceptable esthetic result. CIT scarring is virtually undetectable to naked eye, particularly if you maintain a few centimeters of length in the surrounding hair, and certainly not as noticeable as a linear strip scar.
Is CIT the one that leaves the minimal scar?
CIT による瘢痕化は事実上、特に周囲の毛髪を数センチ残している場合は肉眼では確認できません。そしてストリップ法の線状の傷跡の様に目立つ事はありません。
What happens with CIT is that, with each removed graft, you will have fewer follicles in
the donor area. Where you remove the graft, there will be a gap. Sometimes the gaps are a lighter color the surrounding skin, but this is only due to a loss of pigment from the hair and the blood flow to the graft. You can remove up to 25% without any problem in most donor areas. In some donor areas, you can exceed 5000-6000 without any problems. In others, 2000 grafts may cause some white spotting when the donor areas is shaved. We have never seen a problem with 1500 grafts or less.
Do you think I need about 1500grafts for my implant?
As I mentioned this before although I am not the doctor, myself and our Patient
consultant feel Dr. Cole would recommend about **1500-1800** grafts possibly adding up some more in order to begin to restore your frontal hairline and mid scalp region with the CIT procedure, along with the Acell & PRP treatments (More information in attached file). Rest assured that before we move forward and schedule your procedure Dr. Cole will be reviewing your information and photos to provide you with a concise recommendation. The actual number harvested could vary from this estimate. All of the hair will be harvested and implanted in naturally occurring groups for the best cosmetic result. At the time of the surgery, Dr. Cole may find he can move more hair safely, so if
手術のスケジュリングに入る前に簡潔な提案を提供できる様に、Dr. Coleは、あなたの情報や写真を考察しますので、ご安心下さい。採取できる実際の数は見積もりとは違ってくる事があります。
髪は全て採取し、きれいで自然なまとまりのある仕上がりになる様に移植します。Dr. Coleは、手術中に移植可能な髪を見つけることもあるので、もし
you elect to keep the size of the session open ended, then a higher number of grafts should be budgeted. It is important that we are aware if you have had any previous hair restoration procedures with another physician and the total number of grafts. So, if you are would want to proceed with procedure, we will confirm you grafts amount with Dr. Cole once more and only after his approval we will proceed with scheduling.
I would like to go with the the best hair implant method (CIT 7 & Acell+prp). Can you give me an estimate in this case?
For 1500 grafts (minimum) procedure with Acell+PRP at the discounted rate you are looking at:
最適な植毛方法(CIT 7 & Acell+prp)の手術を検討したいと思います。この手術法での見積もりをいただけませんか?
CIT Non Shaven Donor area $9 per graft X 1500 + PRP&Acell Combo ( 90 mg for 1500
grafts= $ 1425.00) So, your total will be $14,925
CIT Shaven Donor area $7 per graft X 1500 + PRP&Acell Combo (90 mg for 1500 grafts= $ 1425.00). So, your total will be $ 11,925
Once again, everything will be confirmed and approved by Dr. Cole before the scheduling and proceeding with procedure and the actual number harvested could vary from this estimate. All of the hair will be harvested and implanted in naturally occurring groups for the best cosmetic result. At the time of the surgery, Dr. Cole may find he can move more hair safely, so if you elect to keep the size of the session open ended,
CIT法;剃髪した恵皮部に対しては、移植片に付$7X1,500+PRP&Acell両剤投与(1,500の移植片に対し90mg=$1,425) トータルで$11,925
再度申し上げますが、Dr.Coleが全ての事項を確認し、承認しないと、スケジュリングや手術の手続きにはいりませんし、採取できる実際の数によっても今回の見積もりとは金額が違ってくる事はあります。髪は全て採取し、きれいで自然なまとまりのある仕上がりになる様に移植します。Dr. Coleは、手術中に移植可能な髪を見つけることもあるので、もし移植範囲を限定しなければ、
then a higher number of grafts should be budgeted.
As far as our availability on our schedule we do not work on Saturdays, so July 14 will not work, but we have open dates available for :
July 17th, 18th, 19th,24th, 26th
Just let you know that our schedule usually fills up month in advance and our discount rate applied to all bookings made in month of July for all procedure in July and August.
So, if any of these dates works for you , let me know, so we can set up a procedure for you before it is booked by other patients.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you,
CIT は最小の傷跡で済む方法ですか?
FUE: 自毛植毛