Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Dear Kim, I was very pleased to meet you the other day. As I told you, I wi...

Original Texts



 ウォーレン・バフェット氏のように自分自身でCEOメッセージを書く経営者は、少なくとも日本の上場企業にはほとんどいません。CEOメッセージを実際に書いているのは、多くの場合、IR部門の課長職クラス。経営者の視点を持つこと自体がそもそも難しいのです。(日本の多くの上場企業のIRメッセージが「単なる業績報告」の域を出ておらず、投資家にとって魅力にかけるものとなっている理由は、ここにあります) 理由2: 「社内の論理」で書いた原稿には魅力がないから

Translated by katrina_z
Mr. Kim,

I am very happy we met the other day.
I will send a little of my work samples (the manuscripts I wrote) that we spoke of on that day.

One of the things in my work is as we discussed the other day, rather than writing a managerial message to send to the investors written by the listed company. However, I think because we couldn't talk at length as to why there is a demand for such work I would like to explain a little as a supplement.
Reason 1: Because it's hard for many listed companies to write messages "from the manager's viewpoint"

At least in Japanese listed companies there are hardly any managers like Mr. Warren Buffet that write messages themselves. In actuality most of the time the ones writing the CEO messages are section chiefs in the IR field. It is difficult to have the manager's viewpoints. (Here is the reason why many of Japan's listed companies' IR messages stay within the confines of "mere achievement reports" to appeal to investors.)
Reason 2: Because manuscripts that are written with "in-house logic" are not appealing
Most of the people working within large companies (at least within Japanese companies) speak by using "logic only understood within the company (in-house logic)". For such people it is difficult to write messages to those on the outside (investors).

In Korea's case for listed companies, what do you think about the above two situations?
I would be very grateful to hear your opinions, Mr. Kim.
I look forward to hearing back from you.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 6 hours
katrina_z katrina_z