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[Translation from Japanese to English ] I'm writing to you regarding Crown preamplifier. I just came back from a busi...

Original Texts
クラウンのプリアンプの件です。先日まで、出張のため、先日届きましたプリアンプを確認したのですが、ノイズ音だけが出て音が全く出ません。何ども試したのですが、全く音が出ません。他のプリアンプは正常に音が出るので、このアンプは完全に壊れてます。Fully Functional とのことで購入したので、非常にショックです。修理屋さんに、問い合わせたところ、最低、点検料100ドルはかかるとのことでした。100ドルで結構なので、ご返金いただけませんでしょうか?ご連絡お待ちしております。
[deleted user]
Translated by [deleted user]
I'm writing to you regarding Crown preamplifier. I just came back from a business trip and checked the preamplifier which I received the other day. It emits noise, but no actual sound comes out. I tried many times but the results are the same. Other preamplifers function just fine; therefore, this one is completely broken. I purchased it since it was advertised as "Fully Functional," therefore, I'm very much surprised. I talked to a repair shop and they told me it will cost at least $100 for inspection only. Could you please refund me at least $100? Looking forward to hearing from you.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
24 minutes