Chinese Web Gaming Companies See High-Level Execs Quitting
If the excitement about Diablo 3 is any indication, games in China aren’t any less popular than they were a year ago, but something does seem to be afoot in the online gaming industry, which has seen a number of high-level execs leave their positions in the past quarter.
The list of the departed includes Changyou 17173′s General Manager, Ganglan Online’s COO, Jinshan Games’s Director, Changyou’s Deputy Director, Shanda’s (NASDAQ:SNDA) Deputy Director, Fancheng’s Deputy Director, Zhongqingbao’s Deputy Director, Target Software’s Deputy Director, etc. A high-level government official responsible for regulating online gaming also left his post in late 2011.
Actually, although interest in games certainly hasn’t decreased, the market has become a bit over-saturated with online gaming companies, many of which have very similar offerings. As a result, it’s been tough going for some online game operators in recent months.
Changyou 17173のGeneral Manager、 Ganglan OnlineのCOO, Jinshan GamesのDirector、 Changyouの Deputy Director、Shanda(NASDAQ:SNDA)の Deputy Director、 FanchengのDeputy Director、ZhongqingbaoのDeputy Director、Target SoftwareのDeputy Directorなど。政府のオンラインゲームを担当する部門の高級官僚も2011年の後半に辞職している。
According to Sina Tech, many of these folks left their jobs to take positions at or found their own startups, which could mean a change in the winds is coming for China’s online gaming industry. Frankly, that wouldn’t be a bad thing; a little innovation might shake up the industry a bit and stop people from churning out derivative crap like this.