Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] Regarding the product in question (product ID 98938485), the correct name on ...

Original Texts
Regarding the product in question (product ID 98938485), the correct name on the invoice is "TRICOLOR ZIP-UP SWEATSHIRT".
The final price after discount is 234€ VAT included and 187€ without VAT once the item is exported outside Europe. Our final price for product ID 98938485 is 187€.
Few customers already ask us when their order will be send. We will be glad if we can ensure them with fast shipping and professional service.
Translated by atsuko-s
お問い合わせの製品に関して (product ID 98938485),、請求書上の正しい名称は「TRICOLOR ZIP-UP SWEATSHIRT」になります。
商品がヨーロッパ外に輸出される場合には、割引後の最終価格は付加価値税込234ユーロで付加価値税無しでは187ユーロとなります。product ID 98938485の私達の最終価格は187ユーロです。何人かのお客様は、注文が送られたかどうか既にご質問があります。私達は迅速な出荷および専門的なサービスを確保できそうであれば大変うれしいです。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
6 minutes
atsuko-s atsuko-s
Starter (High)