Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] 1. Description: Quality finish, S&B Hotel Chef Style, European style beef cur...

Original Texts

名称:上質な仕上がり エスビー ホテル・シェフ仕様 欧風ビーフカレー4個パック 中辛170g×4食パック

賞味期限: (開封前)24ヶ月

内容量:680g(170g×4袋) + スプーン&フォーク&箸セット


食器セット: スプーン&フォーク&箸セット
Translated by steveforest
Name of product: Luxurious finishing SB Hotel chef supervised European beef curry 4 packs, medium hot, 170 grams x 4 packs

Expiry: 24 months before opening.

Contents: 680grams(170grams ×4 packs) +a set of spoon, folk, and chopstick.

4. Professional taste at your home. Luxurious European curry comes in 4 packs at good price. Using beef consommé with high quality beef and pot herbs. The taste of sautéed onion. Rich and smooth with fresh full fat cream.

Cutleries: Spoon, folk, and chopstick.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
29 minutes
steveforest steveforest
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