Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] [Self PR] What I have been trying to do in my business ▼ What I have been doi...

Original Texts
【自己PR】 業務上こころがけてきたこと ▼プレイヤーとしてこころがけてきたこと 1担当する施策や営業活動がマーケティングファネルのどこに位置していて、どのような貢献を するかを意識してきた。(全体最適を意識。)
2担当している施策や営業を定期的に振返り、改善点を列挙しそこに共通する要因を洗い出す。 洗い出したデータを元に新しい行動を計画し改善ポイントが本当によくなっているかを検証す る。(再現性への意識。)

Translated by steveforest
[Self summary]
The things that I keep my mind.
As ▼player
1. I have been learning how to keep contribution along with where the sales activity and measure in charge are located.(Keep in mind for the whole optimisation)
2. I looked back for the sales activity and measure in charge, stating the improvement and study the common reason. Based on the studied data, new measure planed should be reviewed and analysed whether the improvement point really would be effective.( Awareness of the reproducibility)
Translated by tourmaline
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Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 1 hour
steveforest steveforest
I worked for the broadcaster as an engineer for over 35 years.
During my car...
tourmaline tourmaline