対応策: 興味を惹き付ける事実を掘り下げる。
1 航海を成し遂げた背景にあった"困難"
2 それを乗り越えるために"チャレンジしたこと"
3 そのチャレンジを乗り越えられたのは、自分の中にどんな"ミッション"があったからだったのか。
4 そういう背景があって達成された、CからDの航海話しに弟は影響を受けた。
Strategy: dig deeper into the facts that can attract interest.
-> A story of brothers who are deeply impressed with their elder brother achieving the great feat of sailing from C to D
1. The "difficulty" in the story of the circumstances that led to accomplishing the sailing feat.
2. "A challenge was faced" in order to surpass that
3. In surpassing that challenge what kind of "mission" was within him?
4. The younger brother is affected by the story of the ocean voyage from C to D that was achieved under those circumstances.
Action: to talk more deeply the facts that get interest
Example: The story of the man who achieved the feat of sailing from C to D and the his younger brother who was impressed with it.
1st "difficulty" behind the voyage
2nd "challenge" to overcome it
3rd What “mission” did he have to overcome the challenge?
4th His brother was influenced by the voyage from C to D, which was achieved with this background.