We have sent the spreadsheets to the team and I’ve called today to check they have everything and are currently working on the assessment. They will let me know in the next few days.
The FC transfers do qualify for VAT on the cost price of the item rather then the sale price, which is why HMRC are asking for this. Amazon move stock internally from warehouse to warehouse and 20% VAT on the stock leaving the UK going to other EU warehouses are charged on the cost price of this stock.
I have asked for the ID transaction to be provided on the MCF spreadsheets.
FCはVATを商品の販売価格ではなく原価に限定しています。HMRCがこのことについて尋ねてきているからです。 Amazonは在庫を倉庫から倉庫へと内部的に動かし、UKに残されている在庫には20%のVATがかかり、EUの他の倉庫ではこの在庫の原価に対して課税されます。