Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] You've chosen to skip login with PayPal One TouchTM when making purchases fr...

Original Texts

You've chosen to skip login with PayPal One TouchTM when making purchases from this device: Phone Safari iOS 12.1.3.
That's great, because now when you pay with PayPal on this device, you'll skip login and can breeze through checkout on eligible apps and merchant websites. Every time you check out with One TouchTM, we'll renew your "turned on" setting for that device. This means that as long as you're using One TouchTM, you'll keep skipping login until you decide to turn it off. We'll still ask you to log in if you need to update your personal or financial info.

Translated by shimauma
貴方は、デバイス「Phone Safari iOS 12.1.3」を使用して買い物をする際、ペイパルのワンタッチTMを使用し、ログインをスキップする選択をされました。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 1 hour
shimauma shimauma
静岡県出身、ドイツ在住のshimaumaと申します。英⇄日(TOEIC960レベル)、独⇄日(TELC B2レベル)に対応可能です。非ネイティブのブローク...