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[Translation from English to Japanese ] Miqi Raises RMB Tens Of Millions From DT Capital Partners, a group...

Original Texts
Miqi Raises RMB Tens Of Millions From DT Capital Partners, a group buying vertical focusing on cosmetics has just announced raising RMB tens of millions ($1.5m) in Series A from DT Capital Partners and is on track to raise Series B round of funding. Ma Qiang, founder and CEO of Miqi said that the funding would be used to strengthen the company’s branding, customer service and beef up the team.

The cosmetic vertical just completed RMB tens of millions in angel round in April of this year. With the help of DT Capital Partners, will consolidate and restructure its online assets and business with SkinStore China, the Chinese subsidiary of American online cosmetic retailer SkinStore and have access to the latter’s branding and distribution channel, while Miqi has already teamed up with both offline retailers like Sephora and Sasa and cosmetic brands like Estee Lauder, Clinique and Elizabeth Arden., one of the closest competitor to Miqi has raised US$ tens of millions from Sequoia in this March.

China is the third largest cosmetic market in the world with sales of over RMB100b ($15b) in last year.
Translated by sayoko
Miqi が DT capital より一千万元の投資受ける

化粧品に特化したグループ購入サイトのMiqi.cnはこの度、DT capital より一千万元(150万ドル)の投資を受けること、また引き続いて更なる資金の調達を予定していることを明かした。Miqi の創設者でありCEOであるMa Qiang は、資金の用途としてブランディング強化、顧客サービスと人員の増強をあげた。

DT capital からの支援により、 はオンライン資産およびアメリカのコスメ通販会社SkinStoreの子会社であるSkinStore Chinaとの取引を増強し、SkinStore Chinaの販路にアクセス権を持ちたい考えだ。一方でMiqiは既にSephoraやSasaといった小売流通や、Estee Lauder、Clinique、Elizabeth Ardenなどのブランドとも協力関係にある。

Miqiにとって最大の競合であるJumei.comは今年3月、Sequoia から一千万元の投資を受けた。


Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 12 hours
sayoko sayoko