・Because B does not provide information regularly, I do not know about B well and I do not trust their products. Therefore, I cannot recommend B to A and J positively.
・Because I have a better relationship with other companies (particularly the five largest companies), the cost-performance is much better with them, and I do not need to make sales visits unless I can ensure high profits.
・Because J did not request or ask about products, it is not necessary to collect or spread information.
・Contact with the maker is possible in the patients' society meeting only for a short while.
Therefore, patients can collect information about A from J, staffs who deliver the product, or another patient, or on the internet.
For the reasons stated above, I speculate that the biggest reason of the poor business performance is that "A and products of A failed to earn trust due to a lack of information" overall.
Because of that, it is very likely that A is failing to gain even one of the few opportunities of usage and purchase.
Sources of information (multiple answers allowed; parentheses are the previous survey)
Then, how to "earn trust in A and products of A."
"Just make a lot of sales visits."
This is very important, but too basic. Another method is necessary.
According to the foregoing survey data about information sources, Distributor was chosen the most frequently, and thus, Distributor is in an important position which contributes to sales directly.
Apparently it seems that establishing good relationships with Distributor is the key. But I do not think so.
What is important is to give reasons to Distributor to make frequent sales visits.
I think that a "sales promotion cycle" can be established by focusing on and earning trust from J.
I think that it is the key for success to request well-selected J to assess products and make assessment references.
The major facilities that was mentioned previously are ideal as "well-selected facilities" here.
① 厳選施設(大学病院等)に在籍している著名なJに製品評価をタイアップしてもらう。可能な限り評価文献作成を依頼する。
A sales promotion cycle works as follows.
① Ask a famous J who belongs to a well-selected facility (such as a university hospital) for product assessment in tie-ups. If possible, ask for making assessment reference.
When you ask, emphasize that "products of A has been sold and earned trust in the world", and tell that you can show product assessment data overseas, but you do not have sales records and assessment data in Japan, so you need his/her help for usage assessment.
It is possible to give the impression that our company is reliable by showing that we can submit overseas product evaluation data. And I think they are interested in overseas data and it is the information they want.
By the relationship acquired here and evaluation results, we can strengthen brand image to our company name and the products.
Make sales visits to related facilities in major cities based on the assessment result.
Because the product has a strong brand now, Js who have never used it can now recommend A with ease. Also, Js will spread the information among them.
As Js are interested in and spread the information, Distributor will get more and more requests for samples and information.
As Distributor get more requests, Distributor will recognize it as a group of the products with a strong brand.
It is not until this point that Distributor has a reason to make frequent sales visits to spread the information among J and A in their marketing areas.
Distributor will make it easier for A to receive the information. A will use it in more situations, and A will spread the information further among A such as in patients societies.
Establish trust by ①-②-① cycle. Also find more Js to request tie-ups and reference creation.
Spread the information by ②-③-④-② cycle, and it will contribute to sales promotion.
This is the sales promotion cycle that I propose. This cycle is the "mechanism for good sales", and I am certain that establishing this cycle is the key for success.
Otherwise, the products will remain untrusted, and as a way of sales promotion of untrusted products you will have to ask Distributor for sales cooperation for lower prices than other companies, which results in a vicious cycle of low profitability and deficit.
信用を得るための第一歩であり、最大の武器である各国の使用評価データは充実していますか? もしそろっていないようであれば、ぜひ収集してまとめてください。全世界で通用する強力な武器になります。
Do you have usage assessment data in each country, which is the very first step to earn trust and your strongest weapon? If no, I would recommend you to collect them. It will be your strong weapon that would work all over the world.
It is important to contact J who you will request product assessment and creation of assessment reference before J launch his/her own business. It is not critical to contact him/her after that, but I think the later, the lower trust is.
✓ indicates a prefecture that has companies that sell products of A.