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[Translation from English to Japanese ] 8 Alternative Android App Stores From China Just as the entire Android sys...

Original Texts
8 Alternative Android App Stores From China

Just as the entire Android system is largely open, so the method of getting apps onto Google’s mobile OS is also unfettered. In most of the rest of the world, the official Android Market suffices as the primary app source – but in China, the situation has evolved quite differently. That’s where dozens of app stores – some legitimate; some dodgy – come into play. Statistics from research firm DCCI suggest that Android has 23 percent of global mobile OS market share, with Symbian still the leader at 29 percent. But, as the graph below shows, the two platforms are on opposing trajectories. Google’s Android – with its spread of low-end $100 phones, up to dual-core iPhone 4 competitors – will soon exceed Symbian’s worldwide usage in a few months time. It’ll take a bit longer in China; but it’s heading the same way.
Translated by kaory

調査会社DCCIからの資料によると、アンドロイドは世界のモバイルOSのマーケットシェアの23パーセントを占めている。一方、シンビアンは依然首位で29パーセントのシェアである。しかし、以下の表を見ると、この2つのプラットフォームはまったく正反対の履歴を歩んでいる。グーグルアンドロイドは、競合品のデュアルコア iPhone 4以下である、100ドル以下の低価格品を拡販しており、もう数ヵ月でシンビアンの世界的な普及を追い抜くであろう。中国においてはもう少し先になるが、同じ方法で進んでいる。
Translated by yakuok
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Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 12 hours
kaory kaory
yakuok yakuok