Notice of Conyac Termination ( Updated on November 25)

[Translation from Japanese to English ] When will our company's account open? It's been ongoing since August and it...

This requests contains 227 characters . It has been translated 2 times by the following translators : ( gabrielueda , shimauma , shizukadurbin ) and was completed in 0 hours 7 minutes .

Requested by nikonikoau7 at 05 Nov 2015 at 21:44 1205 views
Time left: Finished

当社のアカウントは一体いつ開かれるのでしょう? 8月からアカウント審査の手続きが始まって、今日で既に2ケ月が経過しています。どの国のAmazonも一年で一番活気付く、ホリデーシーズンが終わるまでには開かれるでしょうか?
要求された書類を全て提出しましたが、いつまで待てば良いのでしょうか? アカウントが開かれるまで、このように長い時間を費やしていることに私達はとても不安感じています。良い結果の知らせをとても楽しみに待ち望んでいます。

[deleted user]
Rating 51
Translation / English
- Posted at 05 Nov 2015 at 21:48
When will our company's account open?
It's been ongoing since August and it's been 2 months already. Will it be open by the season Amazon in the world been busy?
I submitted all the documents you required, until when do I have to wait?
We are feeling insecure about spending time to get the account open.
We are looking forward to hear a good news.
Thank you.
Rating 53
Translation / English
- Posted at 05 Nov 2015 at 21:57
Could you please tell us when we are able to open an account? As of today, it's been already 2 months since we started with the examination procedures in August. Can we open it by the end of the holiday season, the busiest time of the year for Amazon in every country?
We have submitted all the required documents but how long do we have to wait? We feel very uneasy that it takes such a long time to have an account open. We look forward to hearing a good news.
Thank you and best regards.
Rating 60
Translation / English
- Posted at 05 Nov 2015 at 21:51
When will our company's account will be opened?
The account opening examination process began in August, and already 2 months have passed. Will it be opened before the end of the holiday season, the most active period of Amazon of any country?
We already submitted all the documents you requested, but how much further do we need to wait?
We feel uneasy to have to spend so much time waiting for the account to be opened. We expect a positive response from you.
Thank you very much.
Rating 50
Translation / English
- Posted at 05 Nov 2015 at 22:01
I'm concern about when my company account will be opened.
The process started back in August which was two months ago.
I know that any branches in across the country with Amazon is very busy this time around, will it be opened before holiday season is over?
I've submitted all of the documents that you requested, how much longer should I wait?
I'm very concern about how it is taking long time for this, and am very worried.
I'm looking forward to hearing good news from you.
Thank you.


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