The tracking number of 9400109699938598941337 is informed on eBay, but it seems the product has not been shipped according to the UPS website.
I already paid $5.75 for the additional shipping cost.
If you have already shipped and didn't use the express delivery, please return the additional shipping cost to me.
If you haven't shipped yet, please use the express shipping.
In addition, please let me know the tracking number again.
The tracking number is 9400109699938598941337 noticed on ebay but when I check on USPS, it seems that it hasn't been shipped yet.
I already paid 5.75 dollars for the additional shipping fee.
it's shipped already and please refund the shipping fee if it's not shipped by EMS.
if it's not shipped yet, please ship it by EMS.
Also, please provide me a tracking number again.
The tracking number 940010969993859894133 is reported in eBay, but the product seems to have yet been shipped when I check the USPS site.
I already paid $5.75 for the additional delivery charge.
If it is already shipped, or you are not using an express delivery method, then please refund the additional shipping charge.
If you have yet to ship it, then please use an express delivery service.
In addition, please let me know the tracking number once again.
Tracking number is 9400109699938598941337 has been informed on ebay, but if I look at the USPS site the product does not seem to be shipped.
I already paid $ 5.75 as an additional shipping charges.
If you have already shipped it, you are not using a fast delivery method, I want to ask for refund of the additional shipping charges.
If you are not ship it yet, please ship it via fast delivery method.
In addition, please tell me the tracking number again.