Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Chapter 7 Liquidation (distribution of residual assets) Article 19 Proporti...

Original Texts
第7章 清  算
(残余財産の分配) 第19条 残余財産の分配の割合は、その出資額によるものとする。
第8章 附  則
(定款の変更) 第20条 定款の変更は、社員の過半数の一致をもって決定する。
(最初の事業年度) 第21条 当会社の最初の事業年度は、当会社成立の日から平成27年10月31日までとする。
(定款に定めのない事項) 第22条 この定款に規定のない事項は、すべて会社法その他の関係法令に従う。
Translated by 3_yumie7
Chapter 7 Liquidation
(distribution of residual assets) Article 19 Proportion of distribution of residual assets is in accordance with the amount of each contributor's capital contribution.
Chapter 8: Supplementary provision
(Amendment of the articles of the company) Article 20 Amendment of the articles of the company shall be decided the consent of the majority of employees.
(First fiscal year) Article 21 The first fiscal year of the company shall be from the date of its establishment until March 3, 2015.
(Matters not stipulated in the articles of the company) Article 22 All the matters not stipulated herein shall be pursuant to the Company Act and other provisions in the relevant laws.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 2 hours
3_yumie7 3_yumie7
Starter (High)