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[Translation from English to Japanese ] The Spartans have been told to code specifically for the iOS flavors of Safar...

Original Texts
The Spartans have been told to code specifically for the iOS flavors of Safari — both iPhone and iPad. The truth is that it’s hard to know Facebook’s exact intentions at this point — too much seems in flux right now and Facebook is holding their cards pretty close to their chest after a series of leaks. Certainly, the HTML5 angle will be played up as “open” rather than being against either Apple or Google. But the larger reality remains: Facebook wants this HTML5 app platform to succeed so the mobile world is not fully controlled by those two companies. And they want their own Credits platform to dominate mobile. Facebook has to play nice and say the right things for now since they do not have their own phone — yet. Speaking of that, there’s not much here, but we have heard that the work on Facebook phone project continues. One whisper has them working closely with Samsung. Another has them working with Pivotal Labs as well. Facebook will disavow all knowledge of this of course. But it takes nothing more than a quick rational thought to realize that for the future Facebook needs to be in control of two things to maintain power: a web browser and a mobile phone. The thought that they wouldn’t be working on both is what’s really crazy. And none of this speaks to the other big projects Facebook has going on, like their music launch. Which will probably be at their next f8 which the last we heard will be at the end of August. And yes, it will involve a lot of partners.

This summer is shaping up to be a very exciting one for Facebook. It begins tomorrow.
Translated by gloria
この点に関するフェイスブックの正確な意図を知るのは難しいというのが実情だ。あまりに多くのことが今流動的であり、フェイスブックは一連の情報漏えい事件後、カードを金庫にしまいこむまではいかなくともそれに近い状態でしまいこんでいる。確かに、HTML5の角度はアップルやグーグルに対してよりも「オープン」に宣伝されている。しかしそれより大きな現実が残っている:フェイスブックはHTML5 appプラットフォームを成功させてモバイル・ワールドをこの2社に完全に制覇させないようにしたいと思っている。そしてフェイスブックはモバイルを支配する独自のクレジッツ・プラットフォームを持ちたいとも思っている。フェイスブックは独自のモバイルフォンをまだ持っていないのだから、さしあたりフェアプレーをして正論を述べる必要があるだろう。


Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 12 hours
gloria gloria