Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] On March 2, "a ceremony to praise the achievements of late Mr. Shinsuke Asai"...

Original Texts
3月2日、虎ノ門ヒルズフォーラムで「故 浅井新介氏の功績をたたえる会」が執り行なわれた

同イベントは日本MICEビジネス発展を目指し積極的な活動を展開し、去る1月9日に逝去したMPI Japan Chapterの故浅井新介名誉会長の功績を振り返り、また氏の遺志を継ぎ業界活性化や後進の育成などの活動を再確認する場として開催された。

Translated by kuronekomst
The assembly was held to praise the achievement of the late Shinsuke Asai in March 2nd, in Toranomon hills forum.

This event is held to look back the deed of the late Shinsuke Asai, the honorary chairman of MPI Japan Chapter, who passed away in January 9 and to reconfirm the movement to revitalize this business world and develop young resources treading his footsteps.

Over 250 people having connection to MICE came to the place and they shared memories about him enjoying his pictures, images of his speech, his message, and displayed goods related to him.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 2 hours
kuronekomst kuronekomst
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