Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] I would like to verify one thing before shipping. This guitar was supervised ...

Original Texts
1点発送前に確認したいのですが、こちらのギターは、Gibson Japanの取締役社長であり、またサンバースト・レス・ポールのバイブル、THE BEAUTY OF THE BURSTの著者として、国内外を問わずヴィンテージ・ギターの権威として知られるYasuhiko Iwanadeが監修、その著書のカバー・ページを飾る「9 1876」をモチーフとしたレス・ポールをTom Murphyとのタッグで作りあげたギターです。本物の「9 1876」は数百万円単位で取引されてます。
Translated by 3_yumie7
I would like to confirm one thing before ship it out. Thiis guitar was manufactured in collaboration with Tom Murphy, featuring a motif of "9 1876" of Les Paul Model that decorates the cover page of the book of Yasuhiko Iwanade, who is CEO of Gibson Japan and also known both domestic and overseas as the authority of vintage guitar and the author of bible of Sunburst Les Paul "THE BEAUTY OF THE BURST" The authentic "9 1876" is traded at several millions dollras.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
13 minutes
3_yumie7 3_yumie7
Starter (High)