The customer is seeking a refund because s/he has not received the item. However, according to the link below with the tracking information from USPS.com, the shipment arrived on X/X.
At first we asked the customer if it was possible the package was accepted by someone else, to check the shipping address s/he had used, and to make an inquiry with the post office in charge of delivery but the customer replied that the item hasn't arrived.
Please check the contact history we have had with this customer for details.
1. In this instance, is it required that we refund the customer?
2. The customer's user name and the full name for the addressee are different and when we notified the customer to check with Amazon we were then urged to give a refund, which seems suspicious to us. Has there ever been anything suspicious that has occurred with this customer's account?
We are seeking your advice as we would like to handle this matter in the appropriate way and completely do not wish to be unfavorable toward this customer.