Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] It appears that you have selected GSP. I was billed for $183.05 which I paid....

Original Texts
あなたは、GSPを選択していたようです。私への請求は183.05であり、支払った。その内訳は、貴方に$150、Pitney Bowes, Inc.に$33.05 でした。Pitney Bowes, Inc.から返金を受け取るには、paypalにこの一連の取引(2件の取引)をペイパルにopen caseし審査を受けなければいけない。あなたから商品代金は返金してもらったので、私が求めているのはPitney Bowes, Inc.から返金です。ペイパルの審査に協力してほしい。
Translated by yyokoba
It appears that you have selected GSP. I was billed for $183.05 which I paid. Out of that, you received $150 and $33.05 went to Pitney Bowes, Inc. For me to get a refund from Pitney Bowes, Inc., I need to open a case with PayPal regarding this series of transactions (two transactions) and undergo a review. You gave me a refund so what I am asking for is a refund from Pitney Bowes, Inc. I would like you to help me with the PayPal's review.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
10 minutes
yyokoba yyokoba