Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] The key is the booklet functions. You can display the artwork of your albu...

Original Texts
核となるのはブックレット機能。iPadの大きな画面で、あなたのアルバムのアートワークや写真を表示します。ランドスケープモードなら見開きで、ポートレートモードなら片ページずつ表示。iPad, iPhoneユーザーならお馴染みのフリックもしくは左右ボタンでページめくり、ピンチインで拡大という基本的な機能を備えています。
Translated by junnyt
The key is the booklet functions.

You can display the artwork of your albums on the huge iPad screen.
While you can display it on double-page screen with "Landscape mode", "Portrait mode" allows you to display it on one-page screen.

The basic functions familiar with users of iPad or iPhone are installed which allows them to scroll pages with "flick" or "right-to-left button" and enlarge it with "pinch in".

Let's go out to the city bringing your booklet with music.
On iPad, the digital booklet can be more powerful than actual one.
On iPhone, since it can be smaller than the actual one, you can bring it in your pocket.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 12 hours
junnyt junnyt