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[Translation from Japanese to English ] T was owned by M's father in law until he passed away on 2004. Because M's mo...

Original Texts
1. 亡くなって1年になるけど、天国での生活はどう?友達はできた?
2. Aが東京に帰って来るかもしれません。Tが彼女を呼んだの?
3. 一年経った 今、私たちに伝えたいことや言い残したことはありますか? Tを呼ぶと、遠くの方から走ってきました。Tの、走るときの心地いい感覚が伝わってきました。こちらを警戒する様子はまったくなく、素直で人懐っこい、温かいエネルギーを感じました。(M曰く、Tは家族以外の人に対して人懐っこいタイプではない。) 彼は受け身タイプ。どこかあきらめたような所があり、強く自己主張することはない。物事に過敏に反応することはなく、他のワンちゃんに対して吠えるということもない。どちらかというと無関心に近い感じ。(M曰く、Tは人に対しても犬に対しても吠えるタイプでほとんどの人が触ることもできない。)手を差し伸べて助けてあげたくなるような頼りなさそうな所もある。 T、肉体を離れていくとき、どんな感じがしたか教えてくれますか?
ご家族に見守られながら旅立ったようです。全身、とくに上半身がとても熱くなり汗が出るような感覚。身体が硬直して動かない感覚、(Mいわく、Tには亡くなる数日前から発作があった。その度に痙攣を起こしていた。)「あぁ、いよいよ行くんだ。」。胸の辺りが熱くなったかと思うと、一瞬のうちに身体から離れ圧倒的な光と至福の中にいた。 今、どんな所にいますか?
(哀愁を帯びたような、どことなく寂しい感覚が伝わってきました。天国にいる子からこういう寂しい感覚を受け取ることはこれまでなかったので、「そこはどこでしょう?」と聞いたところ、「お散歩で行った場所。大好きだったよ。」と聞こえました。(セッションの後MがBに確認した所、Tが散歩で川原に行くことはなかった。) 「待っているんだ。」何を待っているのか尋ねると、TがBとMの元で幸せだったということ、感謝しているということ、幸せにできなかったと思わないでほしいと思っていることを、おふたりに分かってもらい、おふたりが自分を責めなくなることを待っているように感じました。
Translated by yoppo1026
T had been kept by M's father in law until 2004, when the owner died. Since his mother in law hates animals, Mr. and Mrs. M started to live in the house to take care of him. A (corgi, female) which had lived with them was given to the relative's house just before M's father in law died.
The following are the questions M want to ask T:
1. You have been dead for a year. How is the life in heaven? Have you got any friends?
2. A might come back to Tokyo. Did T call her over?
3. Do you have anything to tell us or any last words you forgot to tell us?
When I called T, he ran toward us from a distance. I felt comfortable as T was running. He was not cautious about us at all. I felt his obedient, friendly, and warm energy. (M says T is not a friendly type of dog except to his family.)
He is a passive type. He has something resigned and isn't self-assertive strongly. He never react things extremely, nor does he bark other dogs. He is rather uninterested. (M says that T barks at both people and dogs, most people even can't touch him.) He has some weak points to which I want to give a helping hand.
T, will you tell me how she felt when her spirit left her body?
She seemed to depart with his family watching him. It is like sweating from the whole body, especially upper body heating. She felt her body getting stiff. (M says that T had attacks few days before she died. Every time she had an attack, she got stiff.) "I'm departing now." Once she heated around her heart, her spirit left her body and she found herself in an overwhelming light and blissfulness.
Where is she now?
I could see a riverbed bank scene with a beautiful sunset.
(I felt melancholy somewhat with loneliness. I had never felt this loneliness from the dead person. So I asked her, "where are you?" She answered, "I am where I often went for a walk." (After the session, M confirmed to B. T never went to a riverbed for a walk.)
"I am waiting." I asked what he was waiting. He seemed to be waiting for you two. T wants you to know that he was happy with B and M and thanks you very much, so he doesn't want you to blame yourselves.
(M says that soon after T died, she asked another communicator. At that time T didn’t' to go to heaven, waiting for you. M said, "He wants to talk to you again a year later." So I guess she meant, "He was waiting." when she said, "He is waiting.")

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 12 hours
yoppo1026 yoppo1026