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[Translation from Japanese to English ] MPI's Japan chapter has held its annual general assembly at the Roppongi Acad...

Original Texts


山本会長は、1)MPIのブランド・イメージづくり、2)日本独自のコミュニティ、3)行政への働きかけ の3点を新年度のMPIジャパンの重点活動項目としたいと所信を述べた。
Translated by tsassa
MPI's Japan chapter has held its annual general assembly at the Roppongi Academy Hills 49 on July 8.

At the general assembly last year's robust activities were reported, including the seminar, attendees to which rose by over 200% to 316, MICE Connection, off-site meeting, attendance to general assemblies of overseas chapters, etc.

Chairman Yamamoto expressed his opinion that the new year's key activities should focus on (1) branding of MPI imagery, (2) creation of community unique to Japan and (3) approach to the government.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
26 minutes
tsassa tsassa
An experienced and highly valued English-Japanese and Japanese-English transl...