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[Translation from Japanese to English ] There is no other grave that big and lordly for a female in the Edo period. ...

Original Texts


生活や仕事に追われていると、どうしても効率やスピードが求められます。一日、一週間、一年があっという間に感じます。そのような生活や仕事の時間とは違う「いのちの時間」があってもいいのではないでしょうか。それは、自分の内側を見つめるための、 ゆったりと流れる時間のことです。大切な方を亡くされて悲しみにくれているとき、亡き人を偲び、手を合わせる時が、「いのちの時間」だと思います。花をきれいだと感じたり、小鳥の声を聞いたりする時間も「いのちの時間」です。私たちは悩みに向き合い、静かに考えるために、焦らず、ゆっくりする時間が必要です。悲しみを乗り越え、生きていくためには、静かな時間が必要です。お寺は「いのちの時間」がゆったりと流れている場所です。どうぞ、静かでゆったりとした「いのちの時間」を感じてみてください。
Translated by nobeldrsd
There is no other grave that big and lordly for a female in the Edo period. After going around this area, we will go inside the main hall of Eijyuin. You can actually see and touch many things in the hall, and even ask questions.

I would like to explain what the temple means to us in daily life.

When you are pressed by work and busy with day-to-day life, you tend to focus on efficiency and the speed. You can feel a day, a week, or a year passes by like a flash. I believe we should have a different time axis such as “Time of Life” which is different from the time axis of the daily life and working. It is a time which runs slowly so that you can look inside yourself.
It is a time which runs slowly so that you can look inside yourself.
I believe the “Time of Life” is when you are putting your hands together praying and remembering the deceased, when you are feeling heartbroken, dealing with the death of your loved one. “Time of Life “is also when you feel the beauty of the flowers, and hear the birds chirping. We need a time which runs slow to face worries and to contemplate without being rushed. We need to take a quiet moment to overcome the sadness and to carry on living. A temple is where the “Time of Life” passes slowly. Please feel the “Time of Life” yourself, the time which passes slowly.
Translated by yoppo1026
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Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 3 hours
nobeldrsd nobeldrsd
yoppo1026 yoppo1026