Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] Family ties had prevailed against political hostility in civil wars before no...

Original Texts
Family ties had prevailed against political hostility in civil wars before now when waged by Roman nobles. Brutus, in anticipation, wrote to Cicero, interceding for his relatives. --'Cicero, for all his principles, accommodates himself to servitude and seeks a propitious master. Brutus for his part will continue the fight against all powers that set themselves above the law.On receipt of an extract from a letter written by Cicero to Octavianus, the Roman and the Republican lost all patience.'Read again your words and deny that they are the supplications of a slave to a despot." 'Better dead than alive by his leave: let Cicero live on in ignominy.' After a council with Servilia Cicero launched a final appeal.
Translated by 3_yumie7
それまではローマの貴族が戦争を行なう際には家族の絆の方が内戦の政治的敵対関係に優先された。Brutusは親戚との仲を取り持ってくれるよう期待してCiceroに手紙を書いた。Ciceroは自分のあらゆる主義にもかかわらず、隷属することに迎合し、自分に好都合な主人を探した。Brutusの方は、法律よりも自分自身を優先したあらゆる権力に対する戦いを続けていた。Octavianusに向けて書かれたCiceroの手紙の抜粋を受け取ると、ローマ人と共和派は我慢できなくなった。『自分の文面を読み返してそれが奴隷の専制君主に対する請願であることを否定してみよ。』 「彼が去れば死んだも同然だ。 Ciceroを屈辱の内に生かしておけ。」 Serviliaとの協議の後、Ciceroは最後の嘆願をした。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 13 hours
3_yumie7 3_yumie7