Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] They had now to reckon with Plancus. In April the governor of Gallia mustere...

Original Texts
They had now to reckon with Plancus. In April the governor of Gallia mustered his army and made a semblance of intervening in northern Italy on the side of the Republic.On April 26th he crossed the Rhône and marched south-eastwards as though to join Lepidus, coming to within forty miles of the latter's camp.Lepidus encouraged him.But Plancus feared a trap--he knew his Lepidus;and Laterensis warned him that both Lepidus and his army were unreliable.So Plancus turned back and established himself at Cularo.There he waited for D. Brutus to come over the pass of the Little St. Bernard. If Plancus had by now resolved to join Antonius, his design was subtle--to lure Brutus to his ruin without the necessity of battle.
Translated by 3_yumie7
今や彼らはPlancusを考慮に入れなければならなかった。4月、 Galliaの統治者は兵を召集し、共和国側の北イタリアに介入する風を装った。4月26日、彼はRhôneを超え、東南方向へ進軍し、あたかもLepidusと合流するかのようにLepidusの陣地の40マイル圏内までやって来た。だがPlancusは罠を恐れた。彼はLepidusを知っていた。LaterensisはLepidusもLepidusの軍隊も信用が置けないと彼に警告した。そこでPlancusは引き返し、Cularoで地歩を固めた。そこで彼はD. Brutusが Little St. Bernard峠を超えてくるのを待った。Plancusがその時までにAntoniusと合流する決心をしていたのであれば、戦う必要なくBrutusを破滅させるためにおびき寄せるという彼の計画は巧妙だった。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 13 hours
3_yumie7 3_yumie7