Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] Their palpable community of interest, hardened by the renascence of the Repub...

Original Texts
Their palpable community of interest, hardened by the renascence of the Republican and Pompeian cause, was so strong that the loyal dispatches which Lepidus continued to send to the Senate should have deceived nobody. The two armies lay against each other for a time. A small river ran between the camps. When soldiers are citizens, rhetoric is worth regiments. At a famous scene by the bank of the river Apsus in Albania, Caesar's general Vatinius essayed his vigorous oratory on the soldiers of Pompeius. But not for long--Labienus intervened. Lepidus was not as vigilant against the dangers of fraternization as had been the generals of Pompeius.
Translated by 3_yumie7
共和派の復活とポンペイウス派の理念によって堅牢となった明白な利益共同体は非常に強固であったため、Lepidusが元老院に忠実に続けてきた派遣は誰も欺かなかったに違いない。当面2つの軍隊が互いに反目しながら陣を構えた。両陣営の間には小さな川が流れていた。兵士らが一般市民の時は、弁論がいくつもの連隊の価値をもつ。AlbaniaのApsus川の河岸の有名な場面で Caesarの将軍VatiniusはPompeiusの兵士らに熱のこもった演説を試みたがLabienusが介入したため長くは続かなかった。LepidusはPompeiusの将軍達に対して行なったほどには親交の危険に対して気を配っていなかった。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 4 hours
3_yumie7 3_yumie7