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[Translation from English to Japanese ] Velveeta awards Cursive frontman with edible “gold” record

Original Texts
As Kasher mentioned in his tweet, his labelmate Bright Eyes recently went gold for 2005's I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning.We couldn't get Domestica's current SoundScan total at presstime, but it's likely still a little shy of the actual milestone, but hey—when the world comes to an end and we're thrown into total apocalypse, guess who is gonna have at least one meal hanging on their wall within arm's reach?Not Conor Oberst, that's for sure. (UPDATE: We have confirmed that Domestica's SoundScan total is currently hovering around 57,000.We are officially in favor of establishing a new, "liquid gold" certification level there.)
[deleted user]
Translated by [deleted user]
Kasherがツイートの中で言っているように彼のレーベル仲間のBright Eyesは最近、2005年のWide Awake, It's Morningによりゴールドを達成した。我々はDomesticaの現行のSoundScanによって発表される合計のプレス時間を入手できていないが、実際の偉業に対して今でも少しはにかんでいるようだ。だが、おーい、いったいいつこの世の終わりが来て、全面的な世紀末に突入して、だれが手を伸ばせば届く壁の中のたった一つの食事にありつけると思う。Conor Oberstではないことは確かだ。(最新情報:DomesticaのSoundScanによる発表では57万枚を上回っているそうだ。我々はここに公式に新たな「水金」の水平器型の証明書を設置することを支持する。
Translated by yutaka5963
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Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
3 days
yutaka5963 yutaka5963