1. Ship back to the sender through your account. Please visit http://www.myus.com/en/international-shipping-rates/ to estimate the cost of shipping. Please let me know the complete shipping address with telephone number if you choose this option and I will provide you with the instructions to return these items through your account.
2.Return to Merchant via prepaid shipping label. Please contact the merchant to inquire about the return policy and procedure and to request a prepaid return shipping label. There is a $7 charge for us to attach the prepaid label to the package and remove it from your account.
You can also chose to have the items shipped to you or discarded.
2. プリペイド発送ラベルを使ってマーチャントに返送したください。返品ポリシーと手続きについてはマーチャントにお尋ねいただき、プリペイド返送ラベルを要求してください。プリペイドラベルを添付しお客様のアカウントから商品を削除する当社手数料として$7がかかります。