Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] "I look like something you give your kid when you tell them Grandma died." "C...

Original Texts
"I look like something you give your kid when you tell them Grandma died."
"C'mon, I don't sound that much like Peter Griffin."
"That's my bad. I was sending a tweet."
"The brewski run."
"I wuv you."
"Okay, alright, so that's where we'll draw the line."
"You know what I'd like to do to her, something I call the dirty Fozzie."
"Will you take care of me for ever and ever?"
"Good talk, Coach."
"Stick your finger in the loop of my tag."
"C'mere, ya bastard."
"I didn't know you had a baby. Is it alive?"
"You ever hear a Boston girl have an orgasm? 'Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Harder! Harder! Oh, God, that was so good! Now I'm gonna stuff my f@!#in' face with Pepperidge Farm.'"
"Well you never should've trusted me, I'm on drugs!"
"Alright c'mon, let's sing the Thunder Song. When you hear the sound of thunder, don't you get too scared. Just grab your Thunder Buddy and say these magic words: F@!# you, Thunder! You can suck my d@!#. You can't get me, Thunder, 'cause you're just God's farts (makes fart noise)."

"Oh f@!# that, it's been 4 years, Johnny! You and me have been together for 27 years;where's my ring, huh? Where's my ring, @!#hole? Where's my ring, mother f@!#er? Put it on my fuzzy finger, you f@!#! C'mon!"

"Yeah, I mean, y-you know when you sewed me up you put some of the stuffing in the wrong places so I'm-I'm a little f@!#ed up, but will you take care of me for ever and ever?... Aha! I'm just kidding you! I thought it'd be funny if you thought I was f@!#ing retarded."
Translated by oier9
" ビールレースだ。"
"俺が彼女に何をしたいかわかるだろ? 俺が「ヨゴレのFozzie bear」って言ってるやつ"
"勘弁してくれよ、ったく。Thunder Songを歌うぞ。
雷鳴が聞こえても、そんなに怯えることはない。雷のヤツを掴んで、魔法の言葉を唱えよう。「クソ食らえカミナリ野郎! ホモ野郎! お前じゃビビらねえぞカミナリ野郎! だってお前なんかただの、神様の屁だからな!(おならの音を立てる)」

「なんだぁ!? 4年だろ、ジョニー。俺とは27年間の付き合いじゃんか。 私への婚約指輪は、あぁ? 俺の指輪だよバカタレ!? 俺のふわふわの指に嵌めてくれよ! うわぁ、マジ勘弁だわ!」
「ああ、つまりさ。わ、わかるだろ? 俺を繕ってくれたときに詰め物の位置がずれちゃって。だ、だからちょっと気持ち悪ぃんだよ。けど、ずっとずっと世話してくれるよな……アハ!ちょっとからかっただけだよ! 俺がイかれちまったと思われたら、面白いだろうなと思ったんだよ。」

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 4 hours
oier9 oier9