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[Translation from Japanese to Native English ] After the steel has been properly hardened, next is to shape the sword. This ...

Original Texts
刀に適した硬さになった鋼を次は刀の形にしている。ここでは造り込み⇒素延べ⇒火造りという作業を行いる。先ほど述べましたが、"素延べ"という作業も真っ赤になった刀身をたたく。こうして日本刀の形にしていくのです。 刀の形になったら、次はセンスキ、荒仕上(刀の形を整える作業)、土置き(波紋の形と焼きいれの準備)を行い「焼き入れ」に入ります。 焼き入れを行った刀はすぐさま水につけて急速に冷やします。刀の反りはこの時にできます。焼入れが終わった刀にはヤスリがかけられ、銘切りが行われます。
Translated by davis_teruo911
After the steel has been properly hardened, next is to shape the sword. This is where the process of tsukuri-komi (forming the sword)⇒sunobe (extending the materials to their intended length)⇒hizukuri (evening out the irregularities in the blade) takes place. In the process just mentioned, "sunobe," the now red-hot blade is struck. This is how the Japanese sword takes shape. Once the sword has taken shape, next the file (sensuki) is used for arashiage (rough finishing of the blade's shape) and tsuchioki (preparing the blade's temper pattern and the yaki-ire), after which comes "yaki-ire." Yaki-ire is the process in which the heated blade is suddenly submerged in water to cool it down quickly. At this stage the curve of the blade is formed. After yaki-ire, a file is used to inscribe the blade.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
1 day
davis_teruo911 davis_teruo911
Hello! I'm a professional translator working in Japan. I graduated Michigan S...