[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] ここ2,3日地震が多くていやになる。 彼の今のヘアスタイルは最初は驚いたけど見慣れたせいか今は大好き。というか、どんなヘアスタイルでも好きになっちゃう!(...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は y_y_jean さん beatrizshizue さん isopp さんの 3人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 2件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 240文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 0時間 24分 です。

iamusagiによる依頼 2012/10/05 00:07:50 閲覧 1311回
残り時間: 終了

"RoveLA "は観ましたか?残念ながら私は英語の聞き取りが苦手で内容がよく理解できません。皆と一緒に笑えないのが悔しい。もっと英語が理解できたらなぁ!

あなたのGoogle翻訳の日本語は少し奇妙ですが理解できます(笑) 優しい言葉をありがとう。

評価 57
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/10/05 00:13:52に投稿されました
There are so many earthquakes this 2, 3 days, I'm just tired of it.
First time I saw his current hair style, I was a bit shocked but I probably got used to it, as I love it now. I mean, I would love him in any hair style! LoL
Have you watched "RoveLA"? Unfortunately, my English listening skill is not very good, so could not understand it well. I am frustrated with myself that I cannot laugh with everyone else. I wish I could understand English better!

Your Google translated Japanese is a bit odd, but apprehensible. LoL. Thank you for your kind words.
I would probably go to sleep in a happy feeling, as I have seen you and your family's happy picture.
評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/10/05 00:32:13に投稿されました
I'm sick with so many earthquakes in the past few days.
At first, I really surprised with his hearstyle, know don't know if I was familiar but I like it so much. I mean, I fell in love in any hair style! lol
Did you see "RoveLA"? Unfortunately because of my poor English at listening, I couldn't understand as well. It's mortifying I can't laugh with everyone. I wish I can understand more English!

I can understand you Google Translator Japanese lol Thank you for kind words!
Because I saw your and your family's happy picture, I think I can sleep so well tonight
beatrizshizue- 12年弱前
「hearstyle」は「hair style」で
「you Google Translator Japanes」は「your Google Translator Japanese」です。
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/10/05 01:09:47に投稿されました
I got sick of frequent earthquakes in these days...
I was surprised at his present fanciful hairstyle at the first sight but maybe i got used to seeing it and even love him. well, now i love him no matter what kind of hairstyle he has! lol
Did you watch RoveLA? It's kinda shame i'm still not good at listening to English and didn't get it well. I wanna share fun with everyone sometime. i wish i could be better in English!

Your Japanese sentence translated by the Google translator is a little funny but i can understand what you mean haha.
i'm grateful for your sweet words.
Since i could see you and your family in happy mood in the photo, I think i can sleep peacefully tonight.



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