翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2012/10/05 01:09:47

isopp 50

"RoveLA "は観ましたか?残念ながら私は英語の聞き取りが苦手で内容がよく理解できません。皆と一緒に笑えないのが悔しい。もっと英語が理解できたらなぁ!

あなたのGoogle翻訳の日本語は少し奇妙ですが理解できます(笑) 優しい言葉をありがとう。


I got sick of frequent earthquakes in these days...
I was surprised at his present fanciful hairstyle at the first sight but maybe i got used to seeing it and even love him. well, now i love him no matter what kind of hairstyle he has! lol
Did you watch RoveLA? It's kinda shame i'm still not good at listening to English and didn't get it well. I wanna share fun with everyone sometime. i wish i could be better in English!

Your Japanese sentence translated by the Google translator is a little funny but i can understand what you mean haha.
i'm grateful for your sweet words.
Since i could see you and your family in happy mood in the photo, I think i can sleep peacefully tonight.

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