I gave some of the wonderful wears that I received from Tom to the young riders as a gift, who are longing for Tom.
Also some of the wears were listed for charity auction site.
Thank you very much always for sending me these special clothing!
Please convey my thanks to Tom and his girl friend, too.
If you have a chance to contact Tom, there is someting I want to ask him.
Why does he wear a suit without any back pockets? Isn't it inconvenient?
I gave some of the remarkable outfits from Tom to young riders who are fans of Tom as a present.
I also listed some of the outfits at charity auction.
Thank you for the special outfits all the time.
Please tell Tom and her girl friend my gratitude.
I have a question I want to ask if you have a chance to contact him.
I wonder why he wears a suit without back pocket? Isn't it inconvenient to wear it?
I gave some riders who admire Tom some items from wonderful wears of Tom.
I exhibited others to the charity auction.
Thank you very much for special wears as always!
Please tell Tom and his girlfriends of my gratitude.
I would like to ask you if you have chance to contact with Tom, why does he wear the suit without back pocket? Isn't it inconvenient to him?
I gifted some of collection from Tom for his young riders who are admiring Tom, from his fantastic wears.
And also I showed some of wears for charity auction. Thanks for nice outfits as always.
Please say hello to Tom and his girlfriend.
I would like to ask something if you just happen to make a contact to Tom. Howcome does he always wear suits without back pocket? Would it be so inconvenient ?