I hope I haven't been much of a trouble.
While I have channels I've been using to make purchases from the United States while in Japan, I was looking forward to yours as I thought it might be easier especially given that I use Amazon Prime and prefer getting all my stuff from the States.
For the backpack, the weight is actually 3.5lb or 1.5kg.
I wish you have a shipping calculator on the website as it would have been easier and better to get this kind of information.
アメリカ合衆国から商品を購入するために利用しているチャンネルがあるので日本滞在中、Amazon Primeを利用し全ての品物をアメリカ合衆国から得られるのは特に簡単であるかもしれないと思い楽しみにしていました。