It is disk top music by synthesizing voice.
It is a software that made a big hit in Japan.
We make xx sing a favorite song.
At the background, we cut out the film of the character of idol training game called xx,
and synthesize it by matching with the song.
It is the one produced long time ago, but we will list a popular moving picture.
The problem is that in xx she is a model.
The reason is that she had a long hair long time ago, and used the name xx.
This is disc top music(DTM) of voice systhesis.
It is the software which became pupular in Japan.
We make ** sing the song we like.
In the background, we cut the charcter image of nuturing idol game called ** and matche them in tuning the song.
Though it is the past one, we put the popular miving image.
The problem is that ** is the model of her.
This is because she had long hair and used the name of **.
It is a kind of desk top music (DTM) by vocal synthesizer.
The software has made a big hit in Japan.
You can make ** sing your favorite songs.
As the background, cutting out images of characters from an idol producing game called ** and synthesize it with songs.
Old ones though, I will show you the popular videos.
The problem is ** is made based on her.
She used to have long hair and use the name **.
The singer singing in the center means she is most popular.
There is another charcter called **.
She is set as an esper.
** is **, so this is me.
A center singer proves that he/she is the most popular.
There is another character called **. It has supernatural powers.
Since** means **, it indicates me.
The person in center is usually the most popular one in the group.
In addition, there is a person called **.
She has a supernatural power.
** is about **, which means she is me.