In fact, I have to pay advertisement fee to the store to display the CD.
And I have to pay to each store and the fee are extremely high in Tokyo.
This is not generally known, but the customs in the industry.
Often, advertisement fee are much higher than the sales of CDs, but displaying together with CDs of major band is an effective advertisement for a band, so I have to prioritize to raise the profile of the band than to get profit.
Actually if we display at shops, we need to pay advertising fee to shops.
We need to pay to each shop, and shops in Tokyo is especially high cost.
This is custom in this area but no known well in general.
Advertising fee cost higher than CD sales at many cases, but for band, it is a effective advertisement to display together with CD of major band.
Our priority is to improve their popularity rather than profit.
If we display in the store, we have to pay the fee of advertisement to the store.
We have to pay for each store, and the one in Tokyo is very expensive.
It is not known in general, but is a custom in this field.
Although fee of advertisement is higher than sales of CD often, it will be effective for the band that it is displayed with CD of the band. Therefore, I want to prioritize that name of the band is well know than making a profit.