SHIP REQUEST ID ○○について質問です。私は 05 Jan 2017 に発送依頼をしました。しかしまだ発送がされていません。これまでは依頼した当日か翌日までには発送をしていただいています。昨年末から発送までに時間がかかるようになりました。商品が届くのが遅くなり大変困ってます。できるだけ早く発送していただけますでしょうか。よろしくお願いいたします。
Today, I requested the shipment. If possible, it would be extremely helpful if you could ship it as soon as possible. Thank you very much.
I have been shipped on the day or the next day at the most until now. Seems like it is taking longer time since end of last year. I am having a difficulty with having the product not on time. Could you please ship the product as soon as possible? I really appreciate for your help.
I asked the shipping request today. Please ship the product as fast as you can. Thank you.
I ordered shipping today. It would be very helpful if you can send as soon as possible. Thanks.