ayumi hamasaki 15th Anniversary TOUR ~ $$00002$$ BEST LIVE~
10月30日(水)『ayumi hamasaki 15th Anniversary TOUR ~A BEST LIVE~』LIVE DVD & Blu-rayリリース!
Oct 30th Wed. "AYUMI HAMASAKI 15th Anniversary TOUR ~A BEST LIVE~" LIVE DVD & Blu-ray On Sale!
As commemorating the 15th anniversary of her debut, complete recording of a spectacular entertainment show list of the set as the "Best of the Best"! !
Celebrate the 15th Anniversary of her singer life," The Best of Best"set list and the great entertainment had been impressed her audience.
Complete recorded edition.
10/30 (Wednesday)ayumi hamasaki 15th Anniversary TOUR ~A BEST LIVE~』LIVE DVD & Blu-ray release!
In celebration of 15 th anniversary with "Best of Best" setlist entertainment show is now on sale!
With selected by her fans’ voting from all her 241 songs released, the set list for the last performance has been determined. It was done because of AYUMI HAMASAKI’s wish to choose songs with her fans who were so supportive up to today. So the live performance definitely has been the best of best.
"I want toselect the songs with everyone of the fans whosupported me up to now" ayu said, from 241 recorded songs fans have chosen the setlist making it the "Best of the Best".
「A Song for ××」「Memorial address」「Who...」といったファンから絶大な支持を受ける名曲、「$$00003$$」 「Voyage」「BLUE BIRD」などの大ヒット曲、アンコールで披露された「teddy bear」、ayu初となるダブル・アンコールでの「MY ALL」など、デビュー15周年ツアーだからこそ実現した超豪華セットリスト!
高さ6.3mに浮かぶプールや空中ブランコ、イリュージョンなど、多彩な演 出と11変化の衣装で魅了した圧巻のエンタテインメント・ショウ!
初回生産限定盤として、リハーサルからツアーで訪れた全国各地のオフショットを撮り下ろした貴重な写真が満載のフォトブック付きをリリース!ツアーグッズ として大好評だったフォトブック「15周年記念BOOK」を彷彿とさせる仕様で、ライアン・チャンによるオフショット、釣谷氏によるayuのリアルな言葉 が綴られた豪華版!!
A release as the limited very first edition that come with a photo book having precious exclusive shots from rehearsal to off shot of various cities nationwide that were visit during the tour! It has a format that reminds of the "15 anniversary memorial book" that was very popular as a tour goods. It includes off shots photographed by Ryan Chan and also having real words by AYUMI HAMAZAKI editted by Mr. Tsuriya.
As first released limited edition, it will come with a photo book of precious off shots of AYUMI HAMASAKI at rehearsals and at various places that she visited during the tour in Japan. The book reminds us the photobook “15th anniversary BOOK” that was one of the favorites on the tour.
The book will be a gorgeous edition with off shot with Ryan Chan and AYUMI HAMASAKI’s real words from Ms. Tsuriya.
『ayumi hamasaki 15th Anniversary TOUR 〜$$00007$$ BEST LIVE〜』ダイジェスト映像
『ayumi hamasaki 15th Anniversary TOUR 〜$$00007$$ BEST LIVE〜』ダイジェスト映像 2
『ayumi hamasaki 15th Anniversary TOUR 〜$$00007$$ BEST LIVE〜』 Digest videos
『ayumi hamasaki 15th Anniversary TOUR 〜$$00007$$ BEST LIVE〜』 Digest videos 2
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「ayumi hamasaki 15th Anniversary TOUR 〜$$00007$$ BEST LIVE〜」SPOT映像
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「ayumi hamasaki 15th Anniversary TOUR 〜$$00007$$ BEST LIVE〜」 SPOT movie