【広報資料】京都市公衆無線LAN「KYOTO Wi-Fi」が京都市内の商店街で利用できるようになります!
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【広報資料】京都市公衆無線LAN「KYOTO Wi-Fi」が京都市内の商店街で利用できるようになります!
Page number 194609
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(Advertising document) Kyoto Public Wireless LAN "Kyoto Wi-Fi" now can be used in shopping areas in Kyoto!
Page number: 194609
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February 25th 2016
(Publicity materials) Public wireless LAN line of Kyoto, "Kyoto Wi-Fi" is now available inside Kyoto's shopping district!
February 25th, Heisei 28
京都市では,市民や観光客の皆様に,インターネットを通じて,観光情報等をはじめとした様々な情報を快適に入手していただくため,平成24年8月から無料公衆無線LANスポット「京都どこでもインターネット(KYOTO Wi-Fi)」の整備を進め,現在1,700箇所以上に設置をしています。
この度,多くの市民や観光客の皆様が買い物などでお越しになる商店街において,「KYOTO Wi-Fi」の利用を開始しますので,お知らせします。
This time, we would like to announce that many residents and tourists in the shopping districts can start to use this service.
We are glad to announce that "KYOTO Wi-FI" will be available for many citizens and visitors while shopping in the Shopping District.
今後もより多くの皆様に御利用いただけるよう,「KYOTO Wi-Fi」の利用エリアの拡大に努めてまいります。
1 商店街名 ・既に御利用頂ける商店街
We hope more people can get access to this and help to expand the "Kyoto Wi-Fi" area.
1 Names of shopping districts.
The shopping districts that already had users of this Wi-Fi:
The shopping districts that have the potential to have Wi-Fi from early March:
Teramachi Semontenkai
We are willing to keep on extending the usage area odf "KYOTO Wi-FI", so that more people can benefit from it.
1 Name of Shopping district -Service already available
Arashiyama shopping center
Sanjo Omiya shopping center
Nayamachi shopping center
-Service available starting from early March
Shijo Omiya shopping center
Teramachi specialty shopping center
2 利用方法 STEP1 SSID「KYOTO Wi-Fi」を選択後,ブラウザを起動
STEP2 利用規約画面で「SNSアカウント認証」※1又は,
STEP3 インターネットの利用が可能になります。
※1 Facebook,Twitter,Google,Yahoo!JAPANのアカウントが御利用いただけます。
※2 「メールアドレス認証」の際,御入力のメールアドレス宛に送信される,メールに記載されているURLを5分以内にクリックいただき,本登録による認証が必要になります。
3 対応言語 日・英・中(繁体,簡体)・韓
※2 When you 'authenticating mail address' you need to click the URL sent to your email address within 5 minutes to authenticate for register.
3 multilingual support Japanese, English, Chinese(Original, Simplified,), Korean
*2. When you do "authorization of email address", click URL that is listed in the email, which is sent to email address input, within 5 minutes. You need an authorization by registration.
3. Language handled: Japanese, English, Chinese (traditional and simplified) and Korean
2. When confirming your email, please click the URL that is sent to your address in 5 minutes. We need to confirm your registration.
3. Available languages: Japanese, English, China (simplified and traditional), Korean.